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The Burmese love children, and that’s just one of the reasons it’s such a great country for family travels. Younger children will find themselves feted and treated as the most important member of the family, and can enjoy anything from a game of chinlone with the young locals to feeding the colourful fish in local temples, and the chance to hand-paint their own Burmese puppets. For older children (and, secretly, for their parents as well), things like kayaking and cycling are bound to be popular, as is the opportunity to sample some of the nightlife in Yangon and Mandalay. In short, you really can trot out the old cliché that Burma has something for people of all ages!
Top Tip: Burmese children will be very keen to get yours to play with them – encourage this as it’s a delight to see, and a great way to meet the locals.
“I can confirm we had a wonderful holiday/break in Myanmar, it was great fun, educational and yet relaxing at the same time. From start to finish everything went smoothly, the flights, trains and all transportation facilities worked very well and at each location we were met by very informative guides”
Jon, Suffolk